Dear Friends,
Recently we’ve heard much about so-called breakthrough cases of those who’ve been vaccinated still coming down with Covid. Only .2 percent so far have tested positive after being vaccinated - which is very good news. However, after an at home test, I can say that I have fallen into this category of .2 percent. I will have a confirmatory test tomorrow.
According to CDC guidelines, I must quarantine for 10 days starting 48 hours prior to the positive test, which is Monday August 9th. Quarantine will be lifted after 10 days if I have no fever and symptoms are improving (minus taste and smell which can linger according to the guidelines). So far, so good on that front. Those who are close contacts have been notified. To remind everyone, close contact is described at more than 15 minutes at a range of less than 6 feet. Most people do not apply to this standard and coupled with my being aware and concerned with hand hygiene, most should be ok. If you are a close contact, one who is vaccinated should monitor themselves for 3-5 days, testing in that range to confirm no diagnosis. For more information, please follow this link:
So far, I have very mild symptoms and I am doing well, all things considered. Having been isolated at the beginning of this pandemic because I couldn’t test out of a close exposure before the vaccine, I’m grateful at least this time we have a solid pathway forward. Fr. Steve Gemme has agreed to come in and help us again with Mass coverage for this weekend and I am very grateful for his assistance. If all goes well, I should be given a green light August 19th - 8 days from now and 48 hours before I tested positive to complete the 10 days. This will ensure that all will be safe upon my return. Obviously the pandemic isn’t over yet, but pray God it will be. Please keep me in prayers and know I will continue to pray for you all as I celebrate Mass and pray during this time at the rectory.
God Bless,
Fr. Jim